Go to blogger.com and its free to sign up. You will get all the help in blogger.com and it is very easy to sign up. Register your name, email Id, name your blog and your are on the track. Start with simple articles about subjects you are interested in, write about sports, cricket and once you have two to three pages, you can apply for Google Adsense. This is best for the beginners to earn through internet in the initial stages.
Free Newsletters
You can write and publish free Newsletters. This newsletters can be under any title.
But it should cater the readers' interest. I will give you ideas about that later. First of all you should know about the outline of this business.
Affiliate Marketing
This is another simple method for online earning. This is nothing but referral marketing.
You refer about the third party product and if the purchase is done, you'll get a commission on that sales. But before referring, it would be wise to own that product for yourself and know about the product.
A Handbook to guide you
I feel that initially you must try to understand about the business. And you can’t waste your time in researching about this business.
Your Own Website
If you have a website it is well and good. You can send the traffic thro' your site so that you can build your mailing list.
You can start with free websites but having your domain with your name will create a genuine authority to the business. You can create your own site with WYSIWYG Editors and the web hosting can be given to well experienced people in the industry. This is a very small investment which you will earn back in many folds in future.
Your email process
Moreover, your emails has to be checked periodically and the replies should be promptly sent without delays. This will take most of your time and energy. In internet business time is money. So this receiving the email address of customers and sending out the newsletters and referrals can be allocated to one of the top grade service provider with reliability.
Follow My Blogs regularly for the total revelation.
For any doubts contact me : gjmonfort@lycos.com